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Join the DENIVA network today

Development Network of Indigenous Voluntary Associations (DENIVA) is Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that provides a platform for students from collective reflection, action and voice to voluntary local associations to advocate for people-centered, accountable and sustainable development in Uganda.


Thematic areas

DENIVA focuses on the following thematic areas to realize it’s vision and objectives towards a strong network of indigenous voluntary associations and organizations

1. Governance and Human Rights

The Governance and Human Rights Program advocates for a democracy that serves all citizens of Uganda;  promotes respect of human rights and calls for adherence to Constitutionalism.

The program has the following objectives:

  • To promote civic and voter education among Ugandan citizens in order to actively participate in democratic governance at all levels.
  • To empower citizens to demand for the respect of their human rights as stated in the Uganda Constitution and International Conventions.
  • To promote quality service delivery and accountability at local and central government levels in the sectors of Education, Health and Agriculture.
  • To advocate for a favorable operating environment for civil society organizations in Uganda.
  • To promote women’s participation in local and national politics and build their capacity in transformative leadership.

2. Sustainable Livelihoods and climate change Adaptation 

The Sustainable Livelihoods Program aims at supporting local communities with skills and knowledge on climate change adaptation, resilience, disaster risk reduction and economic empowerment. The program has the following objectives:

  • To building the capacity of local communities to adapt to climate change through awareness campaigns, piloting of adaptation actions, and strengthening public private
  • To strengthen the resilience of local communities and build capacity for disaster risk reduction.
  • To mobilize local communities to protect the environment, utilize and preserve natural resources for the benefit of national development and for posterity.
  • To analyze the impact of agricultural policies and programs on local populations in order to make proposals for reform and food security in favor of the poor.
  • To promote women’s economic empowerment programs and support youth groups with innovative entrepreneurship initiatives.

3. Strengthening Civil Society Organizations

DENIVA is committed to institutional strengthening of its Member Organizations and the wider Civil Society by providing technical support in the development of Policies, Programs and Processes. Support in organizational development is provided to develop Strategic Plans, Finance Policies, Human Resource Policies, Gender Policies, Monitoring & Evaluation Frameworks, among others. In additions, skills and knowledge are shared in Communication, Networking, Advocacy, Proposal Writing & Resource Mobilization. The program has the following objectives:

  • To build the capacity of Civil Society Organizations in Organizational Development so as to comply with Quality Assurance Mechanism (QuAM) standards.
  • To align QuAM standards with the Global Standard for CSO Accountability and create awareness of the Global Standard at the national and regional levels.
  • To create a platform where DENIVA member organizations exchange ideas and information to promote the development of Uganda.
  • To support communication, information sharing and co-operation between indigenous voluntary associations, government, development partners and the international community on Uganda’s development.
  • To strengthen DENIVA’s strategic and operational management for an efficient organization that effectively delivers its mandate.

4. DENIVA as host of the Quality Assurance Mechanism (QuAM) Secretariat.

In 2006, DENIVA and Uganda National NGO Forum as co-promoters developed the Quality Assurance Mechanism (QuAM) for Civil Society Organizations working in Uganda. QuAMis a voluntary self-assessment and regulatory mechanism designed to strengthen the internal governance, professionalism, transparency, integrity and accountability of NGOs to stakeholders.

DENIVA hosts the secretariat for the NGOs Quality Assurance Mechanism (QuAM) and is responsible for certifying all CSOs operating in Uganda based on a set of standards. QuAM certification of NGOs enhances their capacities, standards and ethical conduct and consequently raises their credibility and legitimacy. QuAM has three certificates, namely: Basic, Standard and Advanced.

DENIVA/QuAM is proud to be a partner of the Global Standard for Civil Society Accountability that brings together nine civil society accountability networks from around the world to develop a commonly accepted Global Standard for CSO Accountability.

5. DENIVA as host of the Secretariat for the Regional Network on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).

DENIVA is a member of the Global Network on Disaster Risk Reduction (GNDR) and currently hosts the Regional Network on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), that brings together representatives from over eight countries from Eastern Africa to share experiences and plan strategies on resilience and disaster reduction.


DISASTER RISK REDUCTION (DRR). - DENIVA is a member of the Global Network on Disaster Risk Reduction (GNDR) and currently hosts the Regional Network on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), that brings together representatives from over eight countries from Eastern Africa to share experiences and plan strategies on resilience and disaster reduction.

QUALITY ASSURANCE MECHANISM - In 2006, DENIVA and Uganda National NGO Forum as co-promoters developed the Quality Assurance Mechanism (QuAM) for Civil Society Organizations working in Uganda. QuAMis a voluntary self-assessment and regulatory mechanism designed to strengthen the internal governance, professionalism, transparency, integrity and accountability of NGOs to stakeholders. DENIVA hosts the secretariat for the NGOs Quality Assurance Mechanism (QuAM) and is responsible for certifying all CSOs operating in Uganda ba ....

CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANISATION STRENGTHENING - DENIVA has a long term experience in providing capacity building services to CSOs as one of its key mandates. Organizational development interventions ranges from research, proposal development, presentation and facilitation skills; negotiation and networking skills; governance of civil society organizations; lobbying and advocacy as well as resource mobilization and financial management among others. This programme focuses on the following objectives: To create a platform where all DENIVA ....

ADVOCACY, GOVERNANCE, HUMAN RIGHTS. - Advocacy, Governance and Human Rights Program aims at strengthening and nurturing partnerships and communities to advocate for a democracy that serves all citizens in Uganda. The program works for social, economic and political accountability of local and national governments. It has the following objectives: To mobilize Member Organizations to actively participate in democratic governance at all levels and demand for government’s respect for human rights and the Constitution. To pro ....

SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOODS PROGRAM - The Sustainable Livelihoods Program aims at supporting MOs with skills and knowledge in order to advocate pro-poor and gender sensitive policies through programmes in agriculture, trade, climate change and improved service delivery. The objectives addressed under this programme in partnership MOs include: To analyze the impact of agricultural policies and programs on local populations in order to make proposals for reform and food security in favour of the poor, particularly the small scale ....

OUR BACKGROUND - Development Network of Indigenous Voluntary Associations (DENIVA) is Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that provides a platform for collective reflection, action and voice to voluntary local associations to advocate for people-centered, accountable and sustainable development in Uganda. DENIVA was founded in 1988 by 21 Civil Society Organizations as a network of  Ugandan NGOs and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and has grown to over 700 Member Organizations (MO), located in all regi ....

OUR TEAM - At DENIVA, we are proud to work with an exceptional team of dedicated professionals who are the backbone of our organization. Each member of our staff brings a wealth of expertise, passion, and commitment to advancing our mission of fostering sustainable development and community empowerment. Our team is diverse, encompassing individuals with specialized skills in areas such as project management, community outreach, research, and capacity building, all working collaboratively to achieve posit ....

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Pax Sakari ChairperonMargaret Omona Vice Chairperson Muyingo Henry Paul SecretaryAgnes NamusitwaTreasurer Fred Ejautene Board Member NationalNekesa Justine Board Member CentralRubaire J Akiiki Board Member Western Oyet Christopher Board Member NorthernWest Nileumojada3@gmail.com Ann Rose Olinga Board Member Easternannolinga@gmail.com

GET INVOLVED - To get involved with the Development Network of Indigenous Voluntary Associations (DENIVA) in Uganda, there are several pathways to contribute to their mission of fostering sustainable, people-centered development through civil society organizations.1. Membership: DENIVA is a network of over 700 Ugandan NGOs and community-based organizations. By becoming a member, you can participate in collective action, advocacy, and knowledge-sharing that aims to strengthen Uganda’s civil society and im ....

ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE - The Development Network of Indigenous Voluntary Associations (DENIVA) is structured to facilitate collaboration among its extensive membership, which includes civil society organizations (CSOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) throughout Uganda. It was founded in 1988 by 21 CSOs with the goal of strengthening civil society's influence on sustainable, people-centered development in Uganda.DENIVA's organizational structure is primarily a network model, with the Secretariat at its core, ove ....

OUR NETWORKS - Global Society for CSO Accountability (GSCSOA)DENIVA/QuAM entered into partnership with the International Civil Society Centre based in Berlin, Germany to implement the Global Standard Project for CSO Accountability through and together with other eight partners implementing a number of activities aimed at strengthening the CSO sector.Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)DENIVA has joined hundreds of national and international NGOs, the academia, and government officials to planfor global disaster risk ....

OUR PARTNERS - DENIVA Uganda is proud to work alongside a diverse range of partners who help us strengthen civil society, promote social justice, and drive sustainable development across Uganda. These partnerships provide both financial and technical support, enabling us to amplify our impact and address key challenges within our communities. Oxfam InternationalOur longest-standing partner, Oxfam International, has been an integral part of DENIVA’s journey for over 14 years. Through Oxfam&rsq ....

OBJECTIVES - To create a platform where all DENIVA member organizations exchange ideas and information about the development of Uganda. To encourage indigenous voluntary associations to contribute towards the highest levels of social and economic development services within the framework of the national policies. To plan, coordinate training and provide technical assistance at national level as well as sharing experiences and local expertise with international civil society. To facilitate communicatio ....

VISION AND MISSION - Vision  Empowered indigenous organizations built on societal ethos to make a difference at the community level and ensure that development initiatives work for all people. Mission To strengthen capacities of indigenous organizations to respond to citizens’ needs through community-focused interventions, capacity building, solution-focused research, networking and advocacy.





Plot 605 Kayondo RD Kyambogo - Kampala.

P.O Box 158636 Kampala Uganda.

Mobile 1: +256 393 255074

Mobile 2: +256 200 954530

Email: info@deniva.or.ug

Email: denivainfo@gmail.com
Website: www.deniva.or.ug

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