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Join the DENIVA network today

Development Network of Indigenous Voluntary Associations (DENIVA) is Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that provides a platform for students from collective reflection, action and voice to voluntary local associations to advocate for people-centered, accountable and sustainable development in Uganda.


Advocacy, Governance, Human Rights.

Advocacy, Governance and Human Rights Program aims at strengthening and nurturing partnerships and communities to advocate for a democracy that serves all citizens in Uganda. The program works for social, economic and political accountability of local and national governments. It has the following objectives:

  1. To mobilize Member Organizations to actively participate in democratic governance at all levels and demand for government’s respect for human rights and the Constitution.
  2. To promotequality service delivery and accountability at local and central government levels in the sectors of Education, Health and Agriculture.
  3. To participate in policy reform processes at local and national levels, using grassroots knowledge and well researched evidence.
  4. To advocate for a favorable operating environment for civil society organizations in Uganda.

To promote women’s participation in local and national politics and build their capacity in transformative leadership.

DISASTER RISK REDUCTION (DRR). - DENIVA is a member of the Global Network on Disaster Risk Reduction (GNDR) and currently hosts the Regional Network on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), that brings together representatives from over eight countries from Eastern Africa to share experiences and plan strategies on resilience and disaster reduction.

QUALITY ASSURANCE MECHANISM - In 2006, DENIVA and Uganda National NGO Forum as co-promoters developed the Quality Assurance Mechanism (QuAM) for Civil Society Organizations working in Uganda. QuAMis a voluntary self-assessment and regulatory mechanism designed to strengthen the internal governance, professionalism, transparency, integrity and accountability of NGOs to stakeholders. DENIVA hosts the secretariat for the NGOs Quality Assurance Mechanism (QuAM) and is responsible for certifying all CSOs operating in Uganda ba ....

CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANISATION STRENGTHENING - DENIVA has a long term experience in providing capacity building services to CSOs as one of its key mandates. Organizational development interventions ranges from research, proposal development, presentation and facilitation skills; negotiation and networking skills; governance of civil society organizations; lobbying and advocacy as well as resource mobilization and financial management among others. This programme focuses on the following objectives: To create a platform where all DENIVA ....

SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOODS PROGRAM - The Sustainable Livelihoods Program aims at supporting MOs with skills and knowledge in order to advocate pro-poor and gender sensitive policies through programmes in agriculture, trade, climate change and improved service delivery. The objectives addressed under this programme in partnership MOs include: To analyze the impact of agricultural policies and programs on local populations in order to make proposals for reform and food security in favour of the poor, particularly the small scale ....





Plot 605 Kayondo RD Kyambogo - Kampala.

P.O Box 158636 Kampala Uganda.

Mobile 1: +256 393 255074

Mobile 2: +256 200 954530

Email: info@deniva.or.ug

Email: denivainfo@gmail.com
Website: www.deniva.or.ug

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